Welp. It’s, ah, ME MADE MAY! I have so happily participated in the lovely month of handmade wares for the last few years organized by So Zoe and I plan to this year as well. I can promise, however, that it’s going to look a little different this time around. Yes, friends. It’s quarantine dayz with a z and that means lots of yoga pants and sweatshirts over here. Including THIS ONE! It’s the Boatneck Anegada Sweatshirt from Halfmoon Atelier (altered to have long sleeves) and it’s my quarantine BFF.
Between my happy hippie child sweatshirt and this one I’ve been kept warm and clothes for the last eleventy-billion days or however long this whole thing has lasted. Here is the thing about the Anegada, though. It’s got this great neckline and this kinda shape-shifting thing it does as I wear it because of the back to front overlap and it gives it a subtle cozy-chic-sexy things. Frankly, these days at home aren’t feeling very sexy so a little bit of random off-the-shoulder is nice. Sweatshirts don’t often achieve the cozy-chic-sexy combo so I’m happy! Add in the sweet, sweet, hip hugging length and it’s an apocalypse win…or an anytime win really.
The success of this sweatshirt is also due to the fabulous fabric! It’s a lightweight slinky soft goodness that I grabbed at Fab Scrap. The same trip I took when I got the espadrilles kit chambray fabric, I got a few yards of this and I love it. It’s hard to know the fabric content but I’m guessing it has some kind of rayon in it…something is making it slinky and soft.
I’m going to guess that this year’s Me Made May will be pretty damn mellow for me. But, I wear handmade all the time so I might as well join in. Certainly someone is bound to tell me I should dress up and it will make me feel better and all that jazz. I’m sure it’s true but I’m not gonna put that pressure on myself. If I feel moved, I will dress up. If not, it’s gonna be sweatshirts and yoga pants and zero pressure! I’ll save my fancy for cocktails.
How about you? What are your Me Made May plans in this odd time?
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