it’s been a bit of a rocky start to the year, folks. I knew from the start that I needed to change location for my sewing classes but really had no idea how to make that happen. if you have taken my classes, you know that the location in the church basement is spacious and really accommodating in many ways, but it has its downsides. mainly, the church is active and in some of the most wonderful ways because the social justice activity there is incredible! but, there is much coming and going during class…some of it quite disruptive and often really messy.
I have been so lucky to start up my classes there and I’m so grateful for that. but, it became increasingly clear that it was time to move on. I just wasn’t sure where to go. and, in all honestly, that had me pretty down; a bit directionless; and at times, ready to hang up my hat. (this, by the way, is the dark often unspoken side of a ‘just me and my dream’ kind of business.)
but NO MORE! because I have secured a bright, open, vibrant new space to house the sewing classes!! squeal!! our town’s Main Street organization is housed in a great space and they have room for me! they have made room for this making and creativity and community of people that are supporting and growing around me through the classes.
classes will have light and warmth and be a part of the spirit of the community. ok, in all honestly they have always had these things but now it will be in a bright, warm and open-to-all-in-the-community place.
there is space for me to sell fabric and supplies for the classes, area to exhibit things made in class, space for me to advertise classes, and opportunities for what I am doing to contribute to the activities of other artists operating out of the building. as an added bonus, classes will now be near a kitchen, a cleaning up sink and an easily accessible bathroom! it’s a huge, huge moment and comes just around the two year anniversary of my very first class (in a friend’s basement no less)! so, how about that for a thursday afternoon. we are taking this whole operation above ground, my friends.
Lee Anne Young says
I am so happy for you. What a blessing! Isn’t it incredible when things like this happen in our lives. Good luck in your new space.
ahappystitch says
Thank you! I am over the moon.
Leticia Cataldi says
Yay!!!! I’m super happy!! I love the pictures. Beautiful space!
ahappystitch says
Thanks friend!
Carmina says
Great space. I got a sewing machine and I’ve been eager to take your classes, finally!!
ahappystitch says
And, I cannot wait to introduce you to my awesome new space Carmina!
Jennifer Altman says
This is huge!!! Congrats!! What a wonderful way to start off spring!
ahappystitch says
thank you so much Jen. You are right, this is a great start to spring!
Christine says
Awesome news, great job!
ahappystitch says
aw, thank you!
Tammy K says
So happy for you Melissa! Such a lovely bright space. Enjoyed catching up with you at OQ the other day. Best of luck on this new big step in your “me & my dream” endeavors.
ahappystitch says
Me too, Tammy! Thanks for your kind words, I’m really looking forward to the move!
Stephinie (gypsyforest) says
yeah!!! congratulations 🙂
ahappystitch says
Thank you! Hope your move closer to my neck of the woods is going smoothly!
Melanie says
Congratulations! It’s a beautiful space.
ahappystitch says
Thank you!
Beth says
Exciting news! So wonderful to watch your progress from afar. Keep up the great work!!
ahappystitch says
Thank you!