There are certain clothing items that I consider an extreme indulgence and fancy lounge pants is one of them. Let’s be honest, any old pair of sweatpants will generally suffice when it comes to at-home casual wear. As a Minnesota-born woman, it’s effectively burned into my DNA to avoid excess luxury and always make do with what is sufficient…I don’t paint my nails, I barely even moisturize my skin. I’m slow to accept indulgences into my life. As you can imagine, upping my lounge pants game is like going seriously fancy lady. But, when I came across the rayon floral prints designed by Anna Bond of Rifle Paper Co. for Cotton and Steel and felt how silky soft it is all I could think of was making the perfect pair of lounge pants. I went for it, I went full fancy lady folks.
And, these are perfect. I hacked the Taylor Made Pajama Pants pattern, which I have had forever, by widening the hem and adding a thick jersey knit waistband. I also stitched on some of my favorite trim, an Amy Butler design from Renaissance Ribbon.
These came together very quickly. I had to seriously stretch the waistband fabric to match it up with the waist of the pant legs but it was a wrestling match worth the effort. Otherwise, they were simple, as pajama pants usually are.
With the weather finally turning colder, I do find the rayon a bit cold against my skin but that’s all the more reason to lounge in front of the fire. Right?!
homemadefarm says
Too cute. My lounge pants/pjs are as old as my oldest son (15). Maybe I should follow your example and make myself some fancy, new ones:)
Melissa Q. says
Haha! I know, right?! It feels like such an indulgence but I think we are both worth it! Go for it.
Jennifer Clear says
LOVE these. You are so talented
Melissa Q. says
Aw, thanks gorgeous. I LIVE in these pants once the weather warms up…they are the best.
Monica Hartman says
I love these! For the knit waistband, did you follow any guidance so you knew how wide to make it?
Melissa Q. says
I made it 15″ tall (as I fold it over to sew it on the waistband and then often fold that down). As for the width, I actually take the knit fabric itself and stretch it around my body until it’s a good tight fit, then I measure what that comes to and cut it that width. I find that knits behave so differently, I do this method because measurements come out different based on the stretch of the material. Then, I stretch the material as I sew it to the waist of the rayon pants so they raw edges meet. That way it bounces back to create a lovely, gently, non-elastic waistband.
Monica Hartman says
Thank you so much for the guidance! I just cut out my rayon pieces, and am about to start the waistband. Did you take any height off the waist of the rayon part of the pants?
Melissa Q. says
I did! My original pattern had an elastic casing for the waistband so I took off about 1 1/2″ to account for that. Good question!
Monica Hartman says
Thank you so much for your guidance! I’m excited to finally have a pair of fancy mama pants!
Melissa Q. says
Please, please show me the fancy pants!! I must see them!