I spend an inordinate amount of time figuring out how to be cozy and warm. During my pregnancies I was totally psyched to have an excuse to wear sweatpants in most settings, I started “needing” to wear them at eight weeks. Everyone else was so proud of being able to still button their jeans and I was bragging, “I have an excuse to wear sweatpants ALL THE TIME!” Now that I’m no longer pregnant, I’m the queen of leggings and a tunic for my go-to outfit because, as everyone knows, it’s basically pajamas in disquise. Of course, even sweatpants and leggings pale in comparison to the ultimate in cozy; I’m talking about being under the perfect blanket, of course. Don’t get me started on sweatpants under a blanket..heavenly! Especially now that cold weather and a massive snow storm hit our area (finally!).
The boys are exactly the same way. We all end up huddled under this wool blanket, which is still the family favorite after two years. It is in fact, that blanket which prompted me to make two additional simple but perfect wool blankets. We are blanket people and these are just so easy to make. Why would I not have them scattered around the house?
Their isn’t really anything extra special about the construction of these blankets. They are made by sewing two same sized rectangles of fabric together. It’s what they are made of that makes them so special. I have stockpiles of lightweight wool, some of it given to me from my grandmother when she moved into a small apartment from her big house and some that I’ve bought at estate sales. It’s not heavy but it’s so warm. Because it’s expensive, I’m often reluctant to use it but it seems even more expensive to NOT use it. Know what I mean? Because wool is itchy (even the lightweight stuff that is not supposed to be itchy is still itchy to me and the boys) I backed the wool with soft fabric. For the red wool blanket, I had just the right amount of sweatshirt fleece for the back. It makes it so incredibly warm and comforting.
For this gray blanket, I used a soft extra-wide sateen-like fabric from Tula Pink that I bought at Rock Paper Scissors.
Both blankets are in pretty heavy circulation already. This weekend our area was hit with around 20 inches of snow so we have had plenty of excuses to cuddle up. For J this gives him oh-so-many chances to express his many emotions…from energetic screams to pretending he has a beard to sweet love boy. Sigh.
Lodi Srygley says
He’s a keeper!
kristin says
Hehe I love photos with this kid – he’s such a character!! Cozy blankets are really the best, I agree!!
Stephanie says
So Cozy!