Today for Backyard Art Camp,The Re-useum Edition it is all about the books and artists that inspire!! Using recycled materials is not only simpler but also hugely inspiring because it’s so fun to work with wacky, wild, unusual supplies! Much more accessible than a blank canvas if you ask me!
So here we go! It’s time for much more Backyard Art Camp,The Re-useum!!
To start with, the always awesome Tara from Girl Like the Sea has gathered a super impressive roundup of books sure to inspire kids (an parents, ahem). Tara is a homeschooling, get-the-kids-outside-and-get-dirty kind of mama. She’s always getting messy with art supplies and dirt and taking it in full creative, honest stride. Her list of books is equally impressive and just as rad as she is. Plus, she and her kids have personally tested out most of these books so she has great feedback about them.
I love that some of her books are traditional ‘art projects for kids’ books and others are just really good books that inspire her kids to make things! I am definitely going to look for Mouse Mansion in the library today and I’ve been lusting after “Playful” for a long time. It’s so beautiful!
Tara joined us last time in Backyard Art Camp with a fantastic Charley Harper inspired project. We asked Tara to join us because well, she’s awesome and a talented artist herself. She and her family seem to live creatively and artistically everyday. They are not at all afraid to dive right in and get dirty with their creativity. Stop by Girl Like the Sea to see Tara‘s roundup of book Inspiration.
And Jane from Buzzmills has gathered together the most amazing recycled art projects! I’ve never seen most of these before and they blew my mind! I mean look at these!!
Earlier in the week, Jane and her family kicked off the Reuseum by inviting over the whole neighborhood for a recycled art making party and set up an art gallery for the parents. It was amazing. Looking at these art projects made with recycled materials I am energized and reminded that these things matter! Doing these projects; sparking fun, imaginative ideas it gets creativity burning and one never knows where that kind of thing will lead! Recycled art and child-led creative projects are powerful and beautiful and not always available at school. Summer time is the time to bust it all out; make it big and bold and go for it.
As you might have gathered, Jane and I are both pretty serious book people so you might remember our previous posts of Picture Books to Inspire Art and my list of art project books.
If you are look for even more projects, check out the ebook Jane contributed to, Happy Handmade. It has over a hundred fantastic-looking projects! So cool. Check it out.
The summer is still going, my friends!! There is still time for messy, creative, unstructured fun times! Tomorrow I’m sharing my big project (here is a hint: loads of cardboard, house paint and duct tape + 4 kids = awesome).
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