I am absolutely convinced that raglan sleeve tops are the cutest possible look for little boys. I was very inspired by lots of the designs in tea brand clothing when I put these shirts together. Boys clothes can be so boring but I have to tread a fine line because my boys are really turned off by anything that looks ‘babyish’ to them so I tried for fun but somewhat sophisticated. I love how these two shirts look.
I used the pattern for raw-edged raglan tee from the book Sewing for Boys, like I promised. I’m not into the raw-edged look so I put all my seam allowances inside. The fabric is mostly thrifted with some scrap from my stash thrown in. This is one of the things I love most about kids clothing, it doesn’t take mountains of fabric to accomplish something stupendous! I added a cute little pocket to this shirt.
Look at his cute face! He likes these shirts. There was a moment or two when he complained they were uncomfortable but I suspect that was just because he didn’t want to do the photo shoot. As soon as I mentioned I had M&M’s (like I would forget my most important bribery tool? Please.) he was singing the praises of the shirts.
The real test came this morning when he actually put the shirt on, by choice! To wear to school even! Did you hear that sound? It was me, patting my own back. Proud? Why yes.
Here is my favorite outtake from the pre-dinner, M&M-fueled photo shoot.
Don’t worry, that guy in red is getting some mama-mades, too.
Are you sewing up a storm for kids clothes week? Things are getting a little ridiculous over here. I try every time around to limit my making to 1 hour a day but it never works. I get sucked in and obsessed and it sucks up way more time than it should. I might have even finished up some freezer paper stencils on a t-shirt during breakfast this morning. Dinnertime photo shoots and breakfast stenciling…no meal is safe.
Trouble is, I can’t seem to sew and blog as well. How do you mamas do it? Sew like crazy and find time to blog about it too?
Daniela D says
These tops are awesome!
melissa q. says
Thanks lady!
melintheattic says
I can’t seem to master the blogging/sewing thing either lately. I should probably be more structured with my time, but it’s hard with two kids. Plus, inspiration doesn’t just spring because the calendar tells it to!
ahappystitch says
Exactly! I just can’t seem to time my inspiration. Silly me.