I’m a woman in a steady love-hate relationship with my stash. somedays I’m convinced it’s absolutely ridiculous to have so much fabric and I need to stop buying any more until I use up every last bit of what I have. I’m absolutely going on a fabric diet, starting NOW!
the next day, I see something amazing and inspiring and I convince myself it’s important to support fabric artists and if I buy this amazing, inspiring cut of cloth I will use it right away and never let it sit in my stash. I must have it! it’s so perfect!!
…and that is how the stash grows and grows!
it is super fun to be participating in the Stash Match over at asquaredw. finally! the stash can be put to good use. a divine purpose!
so, here is how it works: six bloggers are given an inspirational picture and asked to pull from their stash based on that inspiration. the rule was I couldn’t buy anything new, it all had to come from my stash. a fact that made my schizophrenic self both happy and sad. (I cannot win.)
can you guess which stack is mine? there might be a hint in my instagram feed and the other hint I will give is that I always pre-wash my fabric so it all looks a little crinkly. the prize is awesome, 13 bits from the newest line of fabric from Cloud9, koi designed by the inimitable Rashida Coleman-Hale. this fabric is so amazing, do get guessing and good luck!
Daniela says
I think I know which one is yours… 😉
ahappystitch says
well…aren’t you sneaky.
Jennifer says
I’m pretty sure I know which is yours! And “fabric diet” …Ha! Impossible I say, simply impossible!
ahappystitch says
Gah! It is impossible. Does that make me a junkie?
Melanie says
I love this game! I wish I knew everyone a little better, but I think I spotted your fabric. Thanks too for introducing me to that blog. Her quilts are gorgeous.
ahappystitch says
I love this game, too! So fun. You think you got my fabric,huh? I take great pride in being the sloppiest one. Got to distinguish myself somehow.