happy valentines everyone! it has already been a pretty dreamy day over in my world. we woke up and exchanged our handmade valentines including a few that were made on the fly by C. he is my son after all. he knows a little last minute ‘still in the pajamas’ card making is totally acceptable and a much higher priority than getting dressed.
we’ve got chocolate fondue and pesto on the docket for dinner (hopefully not in that order but I’m not making any promises). I got the sweetest email from my aunt who told me this little blog inspired her to handmake her cards and I was even able to sneak in a lunch with dear friends. all of that before the evening review of cards from friends and the un-corking of some red wine has even begun! there abounds much, much love of the best kind. I am so lucky and really feeling it today. (there is, of course, a little bit of kid-related heartache but it wouldn’t be real life without a piece of that now would it? it’s nothing big, just a little niggle.)
there is also one final v-day craft project that was revealed today. one which I haven’t yet shared here, just in case doing so ruined the secret. the boys and I made a felt heart mobile for the much-loved Papa. it used up the some final bits of felted sweaters. I cut out hearts and sewed them together into strands. then I got the boys input and they very adamantly voted to turn the heart strands into a mobile.
so, I did my very best. using an embroidery hoop covered in bits of felt, I attached the heart strands as well as some ribbon to hang it from the top. I am not wild about how this came out (thankfully, the boys are!). the top is sloppy, it was harder than I expected to sew and clumsily deal with the wooden embroidery hoop at the same time. along with that, the hearts droop a bit because they are too heavy.
and, you know what? I just could not care less. something a very thoughtful friend wrote about reminded me that today isn’t easy for everyone. it helped me realize that every sweet little surprise that came my way today was made by hand and heartfelt. the extra hugs and ‘i love yous’ I got are beautiful reminders of everything I have to be grateful for. and, I am indeed grateful. so what if my hearts are drooping and the mobile is a little wonky?…nobody around here cares. it’s not the hallmark shine that makes the day special; it is, as always, the beauty we find in our droopy, wonky, imperfect bits.
tonight I’m focusing on celebrating and loving all of that. xoxo.
Beth & Angie says
Just wanted to let you know we’re totally spreading the word on our swap blog Chaotic Goddess Swaps, and both of us hosts have signed up! 🙂
ahappystitch says
Great, great news! This is going to be such fun!