I know, it’s already 2013. a few days into it even. but, annual goals (I don’t like to resolve to do things but prefer to think of striving toward them) are a big thing. I don’t want to rush them just because the clock is ticking over a few. I’ve got to mull over them, bite the end of the pencil a bit until they are ready. otherwise I end up just churning out what wasn’t accomplished in 2012. and, this is a new year! an open time, ripe for a fresh look at what is possible.
so, in their own due time here are my goals for a happy stitch in 2013:
1) stay organized.
I tend to like things clear and clean but not exactly organized. I find organizing a little tedious and it can feel so time-consuming. but, you know what is actually time-consuming? searching for things I cannot find, that is time-consuming. putting things away properly is not time-consuming in the long term. this is my new mantra. so, I am a) organizing my studio, b) purchasing a label maker (yes I am, I really am!) and c) organizing my life by keeping a daily planner consistently with lists for what needs to be done every day. my plan is write out my lists every night for the next day.
also, I aim to:
2) use what I have.
I love to buy sewing books, I love to buy fabric. I feel compelled and drawn to do both of these things and sometimes I do them mindlessly. I hate admitting this but it is true. in 2013, I’m going to use what I have…find inspiration in the books I already own and make from what I already have in my fabric stash (unless I need something for things I make and sell at markets, the only exception). I want to use this as a chance and a challenge to seek old-as-new inspiration. I also have a tendency to be afraid to use fabric…especially the really pretty or expensive stuff and I think this goal will force me to stop hoarding and start using….and, eventually, lose that fear. I think it will stretch me to go for some new sewing challenges and get creative. you know, necessity as the mother of invention type of thing. I’m looking at the positive side of this pioneer-woman kind of approach.
finally, in 2013 I want to:
3) follow the joy.
I’m easily bogged down with what I should do-ought to do-have been told to do. It’s so seductive…the pull to make what I think will sell at a market or run a class that I think will be interesting to others. and, as wonderful as this past year was there were far too many times I found myself toiling away on projects that just plainly didn’t bring me much joy. when I start churning things out, I stop being creative and when I stop being creative it all becomes just a job. that’s not what I’m here for. in reflecting on 2012 and thinking about what I want the next year to look like it hit me:
hey, this is my dream job! I get to make it what I want.
so, this year I am following the joy. I’m going to sew what is inspiring to me. I’m going to follow through on more whimsical projects even when I don’t exactly know where they are going. I’m going to meander and wander the creative woods even when there is no clear objective. some of my baby steps, aimed at getting me started are a) to embark on something new, something I’ve always wanted but never dared to try. on my list of new things are designing and printing my own spoonflower fabric, learning sashiko and crochet, as well as hand printing and dyeing fabric. you know, some of those slow arts. b) I am going to feed my creativity. sometimes by simply slowing down to read the beautiful magazines I was gifted. and possibly, attend a creative retreat.
I can guarantee that some of following the joy will be frustrating. the ambiguity and dead-ends involved in meandering are not easy for me. sometimes, I like the concrete feeling of working on something I know I can succeed at. but, there is no growth (either personally or skill-wise) when I stick with what I know. time to walk and get lost for a bit.
welcome 2013.
[…] fabric’s are from my stash, of course. one is a soft, loose-weave japanese print and the other is a soft flannel. I’m really […]